S/N 140041
Airframe Total Time Airframe 14563.0 hrs.
Time Since Restoration 12.1 hrs.
Restoration completed at Fighter Rebuilders Jan 1999
Engine Wright 1 820-86B
Time Since Major Overhaul 16.4 hrs.
Propeller Hamilton Standard 43D50-3 13 6951 A- 18 blades
Time Since Major Overhaul 78 hrs.
A.D. 81-13-06R2 complied with 18 April, 2003
Next due 18 April, 2008
Equipment Radios King KLX135 GPS/Com
King KT76 Transponder w/ encoder
Description Airframe disassembled. All structural hardware replaced or inspected as necessary. All rubber hoses replaced. Brake pucks replaced. Rear canopy glass replaced. Main tires replaced. Starter, Generator, Prop Governor, and Fuel Boost Pump overhauled. Engine overhauled by J.R.S. Enterprises. Work completed at Fighter Rebuilders in Chino, CA. Completed in January 1999.
This T-28 is in Marine markings and painted Light Gray over White in polyurethane. It has been on display and maintained at the Palm Springs Air Museum since the restoration was completed in Jan, 1999. |